Monday, October 23, 2006

Traffic Argh!

I realize I havent been the best blogmaster the last few weeks. 9th grade has a LOT of work. I think I have 6 presentations due in the next three days, a big-ass Algebra II test, and a bunch of other crap.

And my traffic has been reflecting that. I'm stilling getting enough to be thankful, but I realize my comments, emails etc have been way DOWN recently.

So PLEASE, if you like a post, use the nift 'Email Post' button to send it to someone and enlighten them!

If theres a good recipe you think someone will enjoy, please pass along the URL along with the recipe. Little things really help! (I know for a fact my email with my url gets a lot of clicks!)

Right now I'm being a BlogExplosion and forum whore to get more traffic (hope the 'w' word doesnt offend anybody, its not meant to in any shape form or fashion)

By the way, I LOVE links, so if you have a vegan, animal rights, etc related blog I will be more than happy to exchange links. Much of my traffic also comes from blogs with over 50 links, and people just happen to randomly click on mine. I dont even have that many, so its guaranteed it will be beneficial.

So thats if for now, you might see me on some forums showin off my nifty blog.

Adiós mis amigos, para ahora

1 comment:

um yeah said...

Sorry I've been gone for a while. Good luck with your course work. :)

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