Saturday, January 26, 2008

La La La Exams Are Over!

My exams are finally over! I think I did well on all of them, maybe doing just alright in history and French. I got a 97 in Math Analysis, which is considered one of the hardest classes offered in the school (and only to seniors and juniors, I'm a sophy lol). So I'm really happy because my grade went up 13 points from the first term!
I just got back from Vermont less than an hour ago. While I was there, I got a portabello burger at Patrick's Place in Randolph with my best friend. And tonight I'm going to some restaurant with family.
Tomorrow I'm going to the mall for clothes and just for fun. I'll probably get some cool vegan clothes at Hot Topic, AĆ©ropostale, and Forever 21. And I'm going to get a new vegan purse if I can (I currently have a canvas one from Hot Topic, I need something bigger (or with a bigger opening!) to hold all my makeup (that's a lot lol), iPod, digital camera, and everything else I manage to stuff in there.

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