Saturday, February 17, 2007

Smarter Kids End Up Vegetarian

Intro: A new study in the British Medical Journal has stated that if you become vegetarian before age 30, you were most likely smarter when you were younger.
The study showed that kids who became vegetarians later on in life were at least 5 IQ points ahead of other children their age (the children in the study were tested at age 10.) Children who became a vegetarian before the age of 16 (though after the age 10 IQ tests were given) had higher IQ's than non-vegetarian participants who would later become vegetarians.

Vegetarians were also found to more likely women, and to have higher education/vocational training than non-vegetarians. Vegetarians were more likely to be working in charitable organizations, local government, or education than non-vegetarians.

An interesting point however, was that vegans had lower IQ scores as children than vegetarians HOWEVER, only 9 out of 8,170 participants were vegan. The study states that this statistic is not fit to be used because so little of the participants were vegan.

Similar studies have shown that smarter kids turn out to be healthier adults, with lower levels of chronic diseases, including obesity and being overweight. Smarter kids (who turn into smarter adults) tend to pay more attention to their diet and health and are more likely to be involved in strenous activity and aerobic exercise.

Smarter people are also more likely to pay attention to ethics, a big reason why many young people turn to vegetarianism and veganism.

Fun fact: Both Albert Einstein and Benjamin Franklin were vegetarians.

*Click to read the entire study yourself posted by the BMJ*

I certainly agree with this study. And I have good reason to. I just so happen to be #1 of 79 in the freshmen class rank of my high school (I have a 4.0 GPA and am enrolled in all advanced/higher level classes.) I also happen to be the only vegan, and one of very few (if any) vegetarians. I also am under the age of 16, and I am female. Of my friends who are vegetarian teens, they also seem to be very intelligent compared to most adolescents I know. Most of my friends who are in my advanced classes eat very little meat or less than most other kids do. (And only my smarter friends will even contemplate tasting some of my vegan lunches!)

Have any personal experience you'd like to share about this article? Leave a comment!

Other summaries of this study:
MSN Health & Fitness
Arizona Daily Star

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